Monday, March 29, 2010

New Moon - The Movie

Time for Twilight sequel - New Moon...

The curtains rise with Bella's birthday. At the party at Cullens' residence, Bella accidentally cuts herself, the sight and smell of Bella's blood makes Jasper lose control and the party ends. Realizing the threat he and his family posed, Edward decides to break-up with Bella. The Cullens leave Forks and Bella goes into depression.

After a couple of months, trying to get back on her feet,Bella goes out
with Jessica, that's when she sees the same rogues who'd troubled her once. The sight of danger gives her visionsof Edward, which only drives her towards being more reckless, hoping that she could at least see him.

Bella starts exploring bikes with Jacob and eventually finds some comfort in him. But one day, she discovers the truth about Jacob and his pack of friends, that they were werewolves. While Jake (Jacob) and his friends try hunting down Victoria, Bella finds herself drowned in lonliness once again. She jumps off a cliff near the sea, expecting to see Edward. Luckily, Jake saves her both from drowning and Victoria.

In the meanwhile, Alice has a vision of Bella jumping off a cliff and rushes to Forks. As they catch up on happenings, Edward thinks Bella's dead and decides to end his life by requesting the Volturi. Alice and Bella hurry to Volterra to stop Edward.After twist and turn of events they all manage to leave Volterra unhurt.

Jake who had fallen in love with Bella tries to talk her out of becoming a Vampire, when Bella tells him that she loves him but for her, it had always been Edward.Feeling dejected, Jake leaves and the curtains fall with the following beautiful lines...

In the woods, after Jake leaves...

Edward- "You're right, you shouldn't become what I am."
Bella-     "We can't do this alone."
Edward- "Then please just wait... Just give me five years."
Bella-     "That's too long."
Edward- "Then three..."
Bella nods in disapproval.
Edward- "You're so stubborn..."
Bella-    "What are you waiting for?"
Edward- Smiles and says"... I have one condition;if you want me to do it myself..."
Bella-    "Whats the condition?"
Edward- "...and then forever."
Bella-    "That's what i'm asking."
Edward- "Marry me, Bella..."

To readers : I'm sorry I couldn't help putting up such a long post. I'm mesmerized!!


  1. yeah i could feel from ur words tat ur mesmerized.. nd u explain things in a very pleasent manner in ur blog.. gr8 work girlie..
