Well well well, Hari's tagged me again...
Im tagging Nasir, Sharon and Mathuram with this... You can do the same to any number of people you want. I hope you guy's aren't mad at me for doing this !!
Rules : Answer as either "Innocent" or "Guilty".
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Asked someone to marry you?
Ever told a lie?
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back?
Kissed a picture?
Slept in until 5 PM?
Danced on a table in a bar?
Fallen asleep at work/school?
Been suspended from school?
Worked at a fast food restaurant?
Stolen from a store?
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Kissed in the rain?
Sat on a roof top?
Sang in the shower?
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Made a girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
Shot a gun?
Donated Blood?
Eaten alligator meat?
Still love someone you shouldn't?
Liked someone, but will never tell who?
Been too honest?
Kissed someone you shouldn't?
Ruined a surprise?
Ate in a restaurant and got really bloated that you couldn't walk afterwards?
Erased someone in your friends list?
Dressed in a woman's clothes [if you're a guy] or guy's clothes [if you're a girl]?
Been told that you're handsome or beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said?
Had communication with your ex?
Got totally drunk on the night before your exam?
Cool list ain't it ? ;)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Been Tagged !!
Hari .. I thank thee for tagging me and considering me one of thy worthy bloggers.
I hate filling in about me columns anywhere, in fact my own blog doesn't have one.
Anyway, a rule is a rule, so here goes
1. When I was four, I got whacked by my grandfather who strongly believed that kids shouldn't be beaten up, and had never ever hit "any" of his six children. Well, that's "the hell" I am.
2. Though I was attacked three times, I still love dogs, especially German Sheperds and Labradors, but maybe they don't like me :(
3. Playing in water is something that I simply can't resist.
4. To me crying in front of people is very embarrasing .
5. To all those people who thought I was a geek.. My favourite subject was English, not Science.
6. Hating people isn't easy for me, but for the unfortunate ones who get into my hate list, the process is irreversible.
7. I had wanted to become a model, but ended up being a Software Engineer!! What the hell!!
8. I actually find work interesting. I feel suffocated when I don't go to office.
9. When in trouble I refrain asking even my closest buddies for help. I don't know why.
10.At the end of the day, what I want is a little bit of care, understanding and someone who's there for me.
Hoof ! That was a tough job, I never think so much about myself.
I don't have seven people to pass the award to, but at least I have a few :)
An amazing friend and collegemate who forgives me whenever I forget to call him.
I got in touch with her after 15 years and realized we had a great deal to catch up with. A wonderful person I should say.
A colleague turned friend of mine who I think is simply awesome.
Jaya Madhavan
I know Jaya Madhavan as my boss's wife. I love the way she's so cheerful all the time. She's a National Award winning writer. I really don't know if i'm allowed to do this but hope she doesn't mind me tagging her :)
Now launching copy cat to replicate the rules...
Here are the 5 rules (to be strictly followed by those I tag in this post!)
1. Thank the person from whom you have received the award listing his / her blog link
2. List 10 honest things about yourself (like I shall do here)
3. Paste the ‘Honest Scrap’ logo on your blog (this is self-evident as my title for this post says)
4. Choose 7 other worthy bloggers and list their links (spread the joy)
5. Notify the bloggers of the award, requesting them to follow the rules (so that they will not miss to notice)
Monday, January 25, 2010
The LIC Demo
It was a hot sunday afternoon, as I stepped out of the Presidency College, I felt relieved that the exam was over and I could finally "Rest In Peace". The last two weeks at work had been very hectic. Our CEO had come down to Chennai from Norway and my office had been bustling with activity, we had been working for long hours. I worked even on Pongal, followed by a tiring trip to Madurai that weekend for a colleagues wedding, followed by slogging for a demo in Arabic the next week and an exam on Sunday morning. Thats quite a bit ain't it?
Well, the exam was ok and I waited for a bus with my friend. I was thinking over what I had written for descriptive answers and wondered how I could manage crap like that. Anyhow, the bus came and I got in. Not that i'm a pricess, but i'm not very used to buses and when I get into one I prefer standing near the entrance. This time too I did the same. At the entrance which I took, one door was closed and the other one open. I wondered why they made it so uncomfortable for passengers, why couldn't they simply keep both doors open? My friend and I spoke some nonsense for some time and then kept quiet as we were both tired.
I was lost in thoughts, when suddenly there was a jerk and I found myself cast on the closed door at the bus's entrance. My friend and another lady gripped my hand tightly and looked flabbergasted. I looked left, the other door was open. It didn't take me long to realize what could've happened. Strangely I didn't even have a scratch on me, I was absolutely fine, I laughed at myself. The other's didn't find it very funny, they felt sorry for me, how embarrasing it was!
An old gentleman told me,"Take care girl. We've read of so many accidents in the papers, you are so young". I smiled and assured him that I was fine, I did the same with ladies who seemed so worried. One young man then got up and offered me a seat. The guy who sat beside me instantly offered me a bottle of water and asked me if i'm fine.
"How was the exam?", he asked me with a warm smile.
I realized he too had attended the exam.
"It was ok", I replied.
"How were the quants?", he asked me.
"Oh yeah, they were tough", I replied.
"Whats your qualification? B.E. ?", he seemed to be interviewing me.
"Yes, you're right", I replied with a smile.
"Good", he said and took something out from his bag.
"This is my card, you can contact me in case you want something", he said and gave it to me.
I took a look at it, on it was printed
" P. Vijay, Life Insurance Corporation of India".
I haven't had a better demo of the LIC in my entire life, oh boy!!
Well, the exam was ok and I waited for a bus with my friend. I was thinking over what I had written for descriptive answers and wondered how I could manage crap like that. Anyhow, the bus came and I got in. Not that i'm a pricess, but i'm not very used to buses and when I get into one I prefer standing near the entrance. This time too I did the same. At the entrance which I took, one door was closed and the other one open. I wondered why they made it so uncomfortable for passengers, why couldn't they simply keep both doors open? My friend and I spoke some nonsense for some time and then kept quiet as we were both tired.
I was lost in thoughts, when suddenly there was a jerk and I found myself cast on the closed door at the bus's entrance. My friend and another lady gripped my hand tightly and looked flabbergasted. I looked left, the other door was open. It didn't take me long to realize what could've happened. Strangely I didn't even have a scratch on me, I was absolutely fine, I laughed at myself. The other's didn't find it very funny, they felt sorry for me, how embarrasing it was!
An old gentleman told me,"Take care girl. We've read of so many accidents in the papers, you are so young". I smiled and assured him that I was fine, I did the same with ladies who seemed so worried. One young man then got up and offered me a seat. The guy who sat beside me instantly offered me a bottle of water and asked me if i'm fine.
"How was the exam?", he asked me with a warm smile.
I realized he too had attended the exam.
"It was ok", I replied.
"How were the quants?", he asked me.
"Oh yeah, they were tough", I replied.
"Whats your qualification? B.E. ?", he seemed to be interviewing me.
"Yes, you're right", I replied with a smile.
"Good", he said and took something out from his bag.
"This is my card, you can contact me in case you want something", he said and gave it to me.
I took a look at it, on it was printed
" P. Vijay, Life Insurance Corporation of India".
I haven't had a better demo of the LIC in my entire life, oh boy!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Rendezvous with an African
"How soon can you join us?", asked the Managing Director of the company.
"When do you want me to join?", I questioned.
"How about next week?", he asked.
"Absolutely fine. No problem at all.", I said.
"Ok then, see you in Chennai next week.", he said and hung up.
Having left one of the most reputed software companies "royally", I was happy I found another job after a two-month long wait. I was reluctant to depend on anybody for money, even parents, but during this period I had forced myself to stay with an aunt at Mumbai, hoping to settle in Pune. Chennai wasn't even the last city on my list, as I had a strong aversion for the place. But now, here I was packing to leave for the city I dreaded the most.
"Have you joined a call-center?", my aunt enquired, unaware.
"No its a software company.", I replied.
"What about your accomodation?", she asked , sounding a little worried.
"Its taken care of.", I replied.
My last few days in Mumbai simply flew by and one morning I found myself on a flight to Chennai. I noticed I was on one of the worst airlines, it felt like as though I was in a 3-seater bus with good-looking girls attending, if it was a guy in my place, he would've found it interesting for obvious reasons. I wondered what more was in store for me. There weren't many people on the flight and I was glad the way it was, alas my happiness was short-lived. It so happened that a 40-something African appeared from somewhere.
"Hi , can I sit here?", he asked and smiled.
I nodded. He sat down and made himself comfortable. It was obvious he wanted to strike a conversation.
"So you going to Chennai for what?", he asked in his African accent.
"For work. Which country are you from?", I inquired.
"I'm from Nigeria. Goin to Chennai to sell software.", he replied.
I just smiled and took out a magazine to read.
"You are beautiful." , he said smiling.
"Thanks.", I retorted.
Now I knew why he wanted to sit next to me, a vague idea of what would follow disgusted me, so I decided to avoid him and tried to bury myself in the magazine. He sat quiet for a while. Now that I pretended to be busy, I was hoping he would get up and leave, but no, he wasn't. I took a secret look at him from the corner of my eye, he was smiling to himself, that sickened me even more and I quiclky looked back into the magazine.
"What are you reading?", he butted in.
"Zodiac signs.", I said,
"Ohhh, which one's your's?", he asked with a smile on his face.
"This one. Cancer.", I pointed out.
"Yeah? Mine's this one." , he said pointing to Sagittarius.
"Oh boy, how in the hell does all this matter to me?! Why can't he just shut up and get lost??", I thought.
Just then an airhostess asked us whether we'd like to have some sandwiches. He didn't want them. I asked her for two. At least he wouldn't expect me to talk while I ate. Before I could even reach my purse for cash, he pulled out a few 100 Naira's and a few 100 Rupee notes. Flinging them at the air hostess, he looked at me. "Wait, I pay for you. No problem.", he said with his annoying smile.
"No way!", I said and gave the airhostess, my money.
I ate the sandwiches as slowly as I could, to add to it, the bread was harder than my head! My plight!
I struggled with the sandwiches, when suddenly the African spoke again.
"I want to marry you", he said.
I spat the food involuntarily and looked at him aghast. I had known that this man wanted to flirt but I was not prepared for this. What is it with some men? I really don't get it, this 40-something African had decided within 30 minutes that he wanted to marry 22 year old me. I was too shocked to say anything.
"I am looking for an Indian girl. I have been looking for someone like you.", he said.
I couldn't believe I was in such a pathetic scene. I looked at him with my eyes stuck in the "shocked" state.
He continued, "See, if we both marry, our kids will get three nationalities by birth, First - Nigerian, Second -Indian, Third - The place we live. You decide that place." This was too much for me to take. I hadn't and couldn't imagine myself getting married to a 40-something African.
"I am not interested. Sorry.", I managed to say.
"But why?", he questioned looking at me like a puppy dog deprived of food.
"Because I'm engaged.", I lied, there was no other way to get rid of him.
He looked very disappointed. His enthusiastic voice was reduced to a mumble,"Oh, I see. Can we be friends at least?" He was in no mood to give up, was he?
Thankfully, the flight had landed.
He again spoke, "Can you give me your email?"
"I don't have one yet. You give me yours i'll email you.", I lied again.
He took out his business card flipped it and wrote down a number on it which looked like an Indian phone number.
"This is my card, it has my number in Nigeria and this one is my friend's number in Chennai. He's an actor.", he said trying to linger on.
"Yeah ok.", I said, trying to get up.
"Don't you have a phone?", he inquired.
"No I don't have one.", I lied again.
"But I saw you put a mobile phone in your bag.", he said.
He had noticed that too, I had put my phone into my bag at the Mumbai airport. He had been watching me all the while. It scared me.
"Oh yes, thats my old phone which i'll be changing soon, so there's no point giving you that number. I'll call you on your friend's number", I lied and fake-smiled.
"Ok then, don't forget to call me.", he said sounding desperate.
A few hours later I was reclining in my room, that had been arranged for by the company that had just recruited me. It felt like heaven. I pondered over the flight travel, it was good riddance, or maybe that was the best I could do. I was now an independent girl in an unfamiliar city, with a lot of new hopes and dreams of shaping a great career. The thought of it brought me immense joy and I drifted off to sleep.
P. S.
This post is just the beginning of a story that I am yet to write, my portrayal of Chennai is just an opinion and is not intended to degrade the place or hurt anybody's sentiments.
"When do you want me to join?", I questioned.
"How about next week?", he asked.
"Absolutely fine. No problem at all.", I said.
"Ok then, see you in Chennai next week.", he said and hung up.
Having left one of the most reputed software companies "royally", I was happy I found another job after a two-month long wait. I was reluctant to depend on anybody for money, even parents, but during this period I had forced myself to stay with an aunt at Mumbai, hoping to settle in Pune. Chennai wasn't even the last city on my list, as I had a strong aversion for the place. But now, here I was packing to leave for the city I dreaded the most.
"Have you joined a call-center?", my aunt enquired, unaware.
"No its a software company.", I replied.
"What about your accomodation?", she asked , sounding a little worried.
"Its taken care of.", I replied.
My last few days in Mumbai simply flew by and one morning I found myself on a flight to Chennai. I noticed I was on one of the worst airlines, it felt like as though I was in a 3-seater bus with good-looking girls attending, if it was a guy in my place, he would've found it interesting for obvious reasons. I wondered what more was in store for me. There weren't many people on the flight and I was glad the way it was, alas my happiness was short-lived. It so happened that a 40-something African appeared from somewhere.
"Hi , can I sit here?", he asked and smiled.
I nodded. He sat down and made himself comfortable. It was obvious he wanted to strike a conversation.
"So you going to Chennai for what?", he asked in his African accent.
"For work. Which country are you from?", I inquired.
"I'm from Nigeria. Goin to Chennai to sell software.", he replied.
I just smiled and took out a magazine to read.
"You are beautiful." , he said smiling.
"Thanks.", I retorted.
Now I knew why he wanted to sit next to me, a vague idea of what would follow disgusted me, so I decided to avoid him and tried to bury myself in the magazine. He sat quiet for a while. Now that I pretended to be busy, I was hoping he would get up and leave, but no, he wasn't. I took a secret look at him from the corner of my eye, he was smiling to himself, that sickened me even more and I quiclky looked back into the magazine.
"What are you reading?", he butted in.
"Zodiac signs.", I said,
"Ohhh, which one's your's?", he asked with a smile on his face.
"This one. Cancer.", I pointed out.
"Yeah? Mine's this one." , he said pointing to Sagittarius.
"Oh boy, how in the hell does all this matter to me?! Why can't he just shut up and get lost??", I thought.
Just then an airhostess asked us whether we'd like to have some sandwiches. He didn't want them. I asked her for two. At least he wouldn't expect me to talk while I ate. Before I could even reach my purse for cash, he pulled out a few 100 Naira's and a few 100 Rupee notes. Flinging them at the air hostess, he looked at me. "Wait, I pay for you. No problem.", he said with his annoying smile.
"No way!", I said and gave the airhostess, my money.
I ate the sandwiches as slowly as I could, to add to it, the bread was harder than my head! My plight!
I struggled with the sandwiches, when suddenly the African spoke again.
"I want to marry you", he said.
I spat the food involuntarily and looked at him aghast. I had known that this man wanted to flirt but I was not prepared for this. What is it with some men? I really don't get it, this 40-something African had decided within 30 minutes that he wanted to marry 22 year old me. I was too shocked to say anything.
"I am looking for an Indian girl. I have been looking for someone like you.", he said.
I couldn't believe I was in such a pathetic scene. I looked at him with my eyes stuck in the "shocked" state.
He continued, "See, if we both marry, our kids will get three nationalities by birth, First - Nigerian, Second -Indian, Third - The place we live. You decide that place." This was too much for me to take. I hadn't and couldn't imagine myself getting married to a 40-something African.
"I am not interested. Sorry.", I managed to say.
"But why?", he questioned looking at me like a puppy dog deprived of food.
"Because I'm engaged.", I lied, there was no other way to get rid of him.
He looked very disappointed. His enthusiastic voice was reduced to a mumble,"Oh, I see. Can we be friends at least?" He was in no mood to give up, was he?
Thankfully, the flight had landed.
He again spoke, "Can you give me your email?"
"I don't have one yet. You give me yours i'll email you.", I lied again.
He took out his business card flipped it and wrote down a number on it which looked like an Indian phone number.
"This is my card, it has my number in Nigeria and this one is my friend's number in Chennai. He's an actor.", he said trying to linger on.
"Yeah ok.", I said, trying to get up.
"Don't you have a phone?", he inquired.
"No I don't have one.", I lied again.
"But I saw you put a mobile phone in your bag.", he said.
He had noticed that too, I had put my phone into my bag at the Mumbai airport. He had been watching me all the while. It scared me.
"Oh yes, thats my old phone which i'll be changing soon, so there's no point giving you that number. I'll call you on your friend's number", I lied and fake-smiled.
"Ok then, don't forget to call me.", he said sounding desperate.
A few hours later I was reclining in my room, that had been arranged for by the company that had just recruited me. It felt like heaven. I pondered over the flight travel, it was good riddance, or maybe that was the best I could do. I was now an independent girl in an unfamiliar city, with a lot of new hopes and dreams of shaping a great career. The thought of it brought me immense joy and I drifted off to sleep.
P. S.
This post is just the beginning of a story that I am yet to write, my portrayal of Chennai is just an opinion and is not intended to degrade the place or hurt anybody's sentiments.
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